Results for 'D. K. Chakravarty'

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  1. The Concept of Universalizability.D. K. Chakravarty - 1997 - In Dilip Kumar Chakraborty, Perspectives in contemporary philosophy. Delhi: Ajanta Publications. pp. 124.
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  2. Towards Caturvarga Naturalised.D. K. Chakravarty - 2002 - In P. George Victor, Social relevance of philosophy: essays on applied philosophy. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 3--15.
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  3. Interpersonal Relationships & Human Dignity.K. Chakravarti & A. Roy - 2002 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 29 (2/3):191-201.
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    22. VĀCASPATI MIŚRA D. K.Matilal.D. K. Matilal - 2015 - In Karl H. Potter, The Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, Volume 2: Indian Metaphysics and Epistemology: The Tradition of Nyaya-Vaisesika Up to Gangesa. Princeton University Press. pp. 453-483.
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    Evidence‐based clinical guidelines: a new system to better determine true strength of recommendation.Edward Roddy, Weiya Zhang, Michael Doherty, Nigel K. Arden, Julie Barlow, Fraser Birrell, Alison Carr, Kuntal Chakravarty, John Dickson, Elaine Hay, Gillian Hosie, Michael Hurley, Kelsey M. Jordan, Christopher McCarthy, Marion McMurdo, Simon Mockett, Sheila O’Reilly, George Peat, Adrian Pendleton & Selwyn Richards - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (3):347-352.
  6. Public Stem Cell Banks: Considerations of Justice in Stem Cell Research and Therapy.Ruth R. Faden, Liza Dawson, Alison S. Bateman-House, Dawn Mueller Agnew, Hilary Bok, Dan W. Brock, Aravinda Chakravarti, Xiao-Jiang Gao, Mark Greene, John A. Hansen, Patricia A. King, Stephen J. O'Brien, David H. Sachs, Kathryn E. Schill, Andrew Siegel, Davor Solter, Sonia M. Suter, Catherine M. Verfaillie, LeRoy B. Walters & John D. Gearhart - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (6):13-27.
    If stem cell-based therapies are developed, we will likely confront a difficult problem of justice: for biological reasons alone, the new therapies might benefit only a limited range of patients. In fact, they might benefit primarily white Americans, thereby exacerbating long-standing differences in health and health care.
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  7. The relationship between unethical behavior and the dimensions of the ethical climate questionnaire.D. K. Peterson - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (4):313 - 326.
    This study examined the relationship between unethical employee behavior and the dimensions of the Ethical Climate Questionnaire (ECQ). In order to explore the relationship between the dimensions of the ECQ and unethical behavior, the factor structure of five previously identified empirical models and the hypothesized nine-dimension model for the ECQ was tested with a confirmatory factor analysis. The analysis revealed that the hypothesized nine-dimension model provided as good or even better fit to the data than the five empirically derived models. (...)
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    Indian philosophy, the pathfinders and the system builders, 700 B.C. to 100 A.D.Nilima Chakravarty - 1992 - New Delhi: Allied Publishers.
    Salient features of Indian philosophical thought.
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  9. Sañjaya Belaṭṭhiputta and the Ancient Śramaṇa Tradition.Anish Chakravarty - 2022 - Sambodhi Indological Research Journal of L.D.I.I 45 (01 (II)):119-125.
    During the Post Vedic period, the ascetic tradtion of the Śramaṇa which comprosed of various sects and their particular philosophies emerged as a form of a movement against orthodoxy in ancient India. Śramaṇas were wanderers who lived a retired life and focussed in seeking truth and emancipation if there was any. The paper explores the tradition and discusses the orientation of the various denominations that existed at the time within the Śramaṇa movement. The paper attempts to compare and show relationship (...)
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    Measurements of thermoelectricity below 1°K.—II.D. K. C. Macdonald, W. B. Pearson & I. M. Templeton - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (32):917-919.
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    Perception and Judgment in the Theaetetus.D. K. Modrak - 1981 - Phronesis 26 (1):35 - 54.
  12. The "four quadrants" approach to clinical ethics case analysis; an application and review.D. K. Sokol - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (7):513-516.
    In 1982, Jonsen, Siegler and Winslade published Clinical Ethics, in which they described the “four quadrants” approach, a new method of analysing clinical ethics cases. Although the book is now in its 6th edition, a literature search has revealed only one academic paper demonstrating the method at work. This paper is an attempt to start filling this gap. As a way of describing and testing the approach, I apply the four quadrants method to a detailed clinical ethics case. The analysis (...)
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    Measurements of thermoelectricity below 1°K-III.D. K. C. Macdonald, W. B. Pearson & I. M. Templeton - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (39):380-383.
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    Measurements of thermoelectricity below 1°K—IV.D. K. C. Macdonald, W. B. Pearson & I. M. Templeton - 1960 - Philosophical Magazine 5 (56):867-870.
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    Economic Philosophy.D. K. Stout - 1964 - Philosophical Quarterly 14 (57):376-377.
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    The Life of Sextus Empiricus.D. K. House - 1980 - Classical Quarterly 30 (01):227-.
    Sextus Empiricus does not reveal anything of himself as distinct from ‘the Sceptic’ except in a passing and incidental way. He does not refer to his contemporaries, nor to his country, nor to any personal experiences, in such a way as to provide a definite picture of his life and times. The few references he makes to his involvement in the medical profession are as perplexing as they are enlightening. The only attachments which Sextus strongly identifies with in his extant (...)
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    Aisthēsis in the practical syllogism.D. K. Modrak - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 30 (6):379 - 391.
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    Warfield's new argument for incompatibilism.D. K. Nelkin & Samuel C. Rickless - 2002 - Analysis 62 (2):104-107.
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    The calculation of shear stress and shear strain for double glide in tension and compression.D. K. Bowen & J. W. Christian - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 12 (116):369-378.
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  20. The not-so-sweet science: the role of the medical profession in boxing.D. K. Sokol - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (5):513-514.
    The medical profession’s role should be limited to advice and informationThe medical establishment’s desire to interfere with the autonomous wishes of boxers seems at odds with the principle of respect for autonomy prevalent in contemporary biomedical practice. I argue that the role of the medical profession in boxing should be solely an advisory and informational one. In addition, the distinctions made between boxing and other high risk sports often rely on an insufficient knowledge of the sport. This leads to misdirected (...)
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    The paradox of indicative conditionals.D. K. Johnston - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 83 (1):93 - 112.
    In his 1987 book _Conditionals, Frank Jackson presents an argument to the effect that the indicative conditionals of natural language have the same truth conditions as the material conditional of truth-functional logic. This Jackson refers to as the "paradox of indicative conditionals." I offer a solution to this paradox by arguing that some conditionals that appear to be in the indicative mood are actually subjunctives, to which the paradox does not apply. I support this proposed solution with some historical observations (...)
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  22. Chancy causation.D. K. Lewis - 1986 - Philosophical Papers 2:175-184.
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    Alexander on Phantasia.D. K. W. Modrak - 1993 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 31 (S1):173-197.
  24. Propositions and propositional acts.D. K. Johnston - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 39 (3):pp. 435-462.
    Suppose that John asks, ‘Is the window open?’ and Mary replies, ‘The window is open.’ Then John and Mary have produced two distinct utterances, and in doing so, they have performed two different kinds of speech act. But clearly there is something that these utterances have in common. According to the standard theory of speech acts, in these utterances different illocutionary forces have been applied to the same propositional content. Similarly, if John and Mary both believe that roses are red, (...)
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  25. Sweetening the scent: commentary on "What principlism misses".D. K. Sokol - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (4):232-233.
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  26. Diversity and Conservation Status of Fishes Inhabiting Chittaura Jheel, Bahraich, U.P.D. K. Yadav & A. K. Sharma - 2021 - Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences 40 (2):298-303.
    A study was carried out from October, 2020 to September, 2021to investigate the diversity of fishes and the conservation status of Chittaura Jheel (Bahraich), Uttar Pradesh. During the study period, 38 fish species belonging to 28 genera, 14 families and 7 orders have been identified. The order Cypriniformes was found the dominated order with 15 species(39.47%) followed by Siluriformes 10 species (26.31%), Perciformes 4 species (10.52%), Ophiocephaliformes 4 species (10.52%), Synbranchiformes2 species (5.26%), Osteoglossiformes 2 species (5.26%) and Clupiformes 1 species (...)
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    Additional Food Supplements as a Tool for Biological Conservation of Biosystems in the Presence of Inhibitory Effect of the Prey.D. K. K. Vamsi, Deva Siva Sai Murari Kanumoori & Bishal Chhetri - 2019 - Acta Biotheoretica 68 (3):321-355.
    Provision of additional food supplements for the purpose of biological conservation has been widely researched both theoretically and experimentally. The study of these biosystems is usually done using predator–prey models. In this paper, we consider an additional food provided predator–prey system in the presence of the inhibitory effect of the prey. This model is analyzed in the control parameter space using the control parameters, quality and quantity of additional food. The findings suggest that with appropriate choice of additional food to (...)
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  28. Професійна культура і безпека: інноваційний підхід до впровадження в медичному закладі.D. K. Hromtseva & Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2015 - European Journal of Management Issues 5 (23):15-23.
    The issue of safety culture is one of the most important in a modern medical facility because any problems during the provision of services may lead to irreversible consequences. Not only the patient may suffer, but the doctor who assisted. Unfortunately, very little attention to this issue is paid in Ukraine. Based on this, we can say that the topic is relevant and requires studying. -/- The purpose of writing this article is the analysis of the ways of forming professional (...)
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  29. Knowing What it is Like 'in DM Rosenthal'.D. K. Lewis - 1991 - In David M. Rosenthal, The Nature of Mind. Oxford University Press.
  30. Aristotle on the Difference between Mathematics and Physics and First Philosophy.D. K. W. Modrak - 1989 - Apeiron 22 (4):121 - 139.
  31. The Concept of Pramana and the Sceptical Arguments of Nagarjuna.D. K. Mohanta - 1997 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 24 (1):53-72.
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    Lessons from a BACE1 inhibitor trial: off-site but not off base.D. K. Lahiri, B. Maloney, J. M. Long & N. H. Greig - 2014 - Alzheimers Dement 10:S411-9.
    Alzheimer's disease is characterized by formation of neuritic plaque primarily composed of a small filamentous protein called amyloid-beta peptide . The rate-limiting step in the production of Abeta is the processing of Abeta precursor protein by beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme . Hence, BACE1 activity plausibly plays a rate-limiting role in the generation of potentially toxic Abeta within brain and the development of AD, thereby making it an interesting drug target. A phase II trial of the promising LY2886721 inhibitor of BACE1 was (...)
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    The natural history of fact.D. K. Johnston - 2004 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 82 (2):275 – 291.
    The article provides an example of the application of the techniques and results of historical linguistics to traditional problems in the philosophy of language. It takes as its starting point the dispute about the nature of facts that arose from the 1950 Aristotelian Society debate between J. L. Austin and P. F. Strawson. It is shown that, in some cases, expressions containing the noun fact refer to actions and events; while in other cases, such expressions do not have a referring (...)
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    Assimilating Supererogation.D. K. Levy - 2015 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 77:227-242.
    The interest in supererogation and supererogatory actions derives from the perception that there is something problematic about them. I shall argue that there is nothing problematic about them. The perception to the contrary arises from preconceptions common in ethical theory. When these are relaxed or dismissed, supererogatory actions are easily assimilated as well-motivated, responses to moral situations. Assimilating, rather than denying, them is important for a sound moral philosophy.
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  35. Goldstein on quotation.D. K. Buckner - 1984 - Analysis 44 (4):189-190.
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  36. Transparently False: Reply to Hardin.D. K. Buckner - 1986 - Analysis 46 (2):86.
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  37. Aristotle On Knowing First Principles.D. K. Modrak - 1981 - Philosophical Inquiry 3 (2):63-83.
  38.  42
    In-plane and out-of-plane anisotropic magnetoresistances in La1 −xPbxMnO3thin films.D. K. Aswal, A. Singh, C. Thinaharan, S. M. Yusuf, C. S. Viswanadham, G. L. Goswami, L. C. Gupta, S. K. Gupta, J. V. Yakhmi & V. C. Sahni - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (28):3181-3191.
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    Contemporary Science and Problems of the Human Individual.D. K. Beliaev - 1981 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 20 (2):3-27.
    The problem of the human individual and the multiple manifestations of the essence of that individual made its appearance along with that of human beings themselves. Having arisen at the dawn of history, as a product of the as-yet-primitive consciousness of the primeval human, this problem, constantly developing and changing in form in accordance with the socio-economic conditions of the life of society, is assuming increasingly pervasive significance. The mandate of the ancients to "Know thyself" today has the ring not (...)
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  40. The study of the Consolation of philosophy in Anglo-Saxon England.D. K. Bolton - 1977 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 44.
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    Plastic flow of martensite.D. K. Bowen, J. M. Capus & C. E. Silverstone - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 15 (137):1041-1044.
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    Reply to van Brakel.D. K. Buckner - 1985 - Analysis 45 (4):215-217.
  43. Myshlenie i otkrovenie: sistematicheskoe vvedenie v khristianskui︠u︡ metafiziku.D. K. Burlaka - 2007 - Sankt-Peterburg: Russkiĭ Khristianskiĭ gumanitarnyĭ institut.
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    Nit︠s︡she--pro et contra: antologii︠a︡.D. K. Burlaka & I︠U︡. V. Sineokai︠a︡ (eds.) - 2001 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Russkogo Khristianskogo gumanitarnogo in-ta.
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  45. V. F. Ėrn -- pro et contra: lichnostʹ i tvorchestvo Vladimira Ėrna v ot︠s︡enke russkikh mysliteleĭ i issledovateleĭ: antologii︠a︡.D. K. Burlaka & A. A. Ermichev (eds.) - 2006 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Russkoĭ khristianskoĭ gumanitarnoĭ akademii.
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    Potential benefits and risks of clinical xenotransplantation.D. K. C. Cooper & D. Ayares - 2012 - Transplant Research and Risk Management 2012.
    David KC Cooper,1 David Ayares21Thomas E Starzl Transplantation Institute, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; 2Revivicor, Blacksburg, VA, USA: The transplantation of organs and cells from pigs into humans could overcome the critical and continuing problem of the lack of availability of deceased human organs and cells for clinical transplantation. Developments in the genetic engineering of pigs have enabled considerable progress to be made in the experimental laboratory in overcoming the immune barriers to successful xenotransplantation. With regard to (...)
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    Archaeological History of Religions of Indian Asia.D. K. D. & J. Finegan - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (1):178.
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    Agricultural management using the ADELAIS multiobjective linear programming software: A case application.D. K. Despotis & J. Siskos - 1992 - Theory and Decision 32 (2):113-131.
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  49. Basic cognitive-processes predict iq.D. K. Detterman - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):339-339.
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    George Pavlich, Governing Paradoxes of Restorative Justice: GlassHouse Press, London, 2005, 142 pp, ISBN 1-90438-519-2. £26.95.D. K. Levy - 2008 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 2 (1):91-93.
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